

Hello My name is Dadang Supriadi. Many call me Om Dadang knowing I am over 40 years old. 

There are in Indonesia,
Born in Medan, when he was 6 years old, he was taken to West Java, the capital city of Bandung, to be precise Sukalilah Village, Cibatu District, Garut Regency.
After about 20 years in West Java, he returned to his hometown, namely Medan City, North Sumatra.
Starting in 1995, he worked for a company engaged in tire retreading in Medan, North Sumatra, to be precise PT Putra Arezda Purnama (PT PAP).
In 1998, he moved to PT Inti Vulkatama Padang to be precise in West Sumatra, which is also engaged in retreading.

From late 1999 I moved again to Deli Super which is engaged in retreading until now. So little about me.

Hopefully this blog can help you about Tire Retreading, especially those in North Sumatra.

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